Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting a Round Tuit

Many years ago, I read a cute little story called "A Round Tuit" by Ralph Taylor.  It is published here in its entirety for your enjoyment ... and as a lead-in to the real purpose for today's posting.

                                                         At long last  we  have a
                                                     sufficient  supply  of  these   in-
                                                valuable  items for  you  to  have
                                              one   of   your   very   own.  Guard it
                                            with   your   life.     These  tuits   have
                                          been   hard   to   come by,  especially the
                                         round   ones.    This   is   an   indispensable
                                        item.     It     will    help  you  to   become a
                                        more    efficient   worker.          How   many
                                        times   have   you   had   to   say,   “I’ll  do
                                           it   as    soon   as   I   get   a   round   tuit”?
                                            Now   that   you   have   a   round   tuit
                                              of   your   very   own,  many    things
                                                  needing   to   be   done  will   get
                                                             done properly>

How does this pertain to my blog today?  

On Saturday, May 12, my family and I will be walking in our 14th annual March of Dimes Walk to raise money towards the March of Dimes' work in preventing premature births.  In the last 14 years, we have raised almost $30,000!   Pretty darn good, huh?  Our goal this year is a more modest $1800.  Since I retired a year ago, I don't have quite the contacts I used to have, although many of my former colleagues have already pledged and are supporting us, even though I'm not there with them daily.

My oldest grandson, Daniel, was born 3 1/2 months premature almost 17 years ago.  He is confined to a wheelchair and is unable to do anything for himself ... totally dependent on the world for everything except for one thing ...his great smile.  That belongs only to him and needs no help to burst forth!  And without that smile, my life would be so much less.

But how much more wonderful the world would be, I think, if I could hear the voice that must be inside of Danny ... if I could see his legs carry him across a football field .. if I could see him posing for prom pictures in his first tuxedo ... if I could lie in bed and worry about him passing his driver's license test ... and then lie in bed and worry about him driving!  If I could ease the pain in the heart of other mothers' daughters who cry themselves to sleep at night because their child will never have these experiences.  Those opportunities will never come my way or Danny's way.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't trade in that million dollar smile for anything in the world.  But I would give a million dollars, if I had it, so that no other baby is ever again born prematurely.

And so, we walk cuz Daniel can't!  And we walk so that other children won't ever know the frustrations that I would imagine Danny feels inside.

You can help.  If you get a "Round Tuit" before Saturday, we'd love to have your support in the form of a monetary pledge ... or prayers for good weather!  The prayers for good weather don't require a credit card number ... the monetary pledge does!  Either way, we will know you are in our corner.

Here's the site ... head off to and make your pledge today.  That Round Tuit in your pocket will help you get there ... Danny and I and the other premature babies being born in today's world all thank you in advance.                                                             

Friday, March 30, 2012

Unfriending the Grandparents

Keeping up with the times is harder the older one gets.  Just ask me.  I was recently "unfriended" on Facebook by several grandchildren.  Talk about the epitome of rejection.

I'm not complaining, just observing.  I well remember being in the 13-18 year old stage and wondering how I ever got stuck with such old fashioned PARENTS, let alone GRANDparents!

I only had one set of grandparents when I was that age.  My maternal grandparents were dead, "Grandpa T" (Tonskemper was way too long a name for any kids to have to pronounce!) having died when Mom was 8 and "Grandma T" having died on Christmas Day the year I was 14.  My thoughts on hearing of her death that Christmas morning?  "Well, at least she delivered that big box of presents to our house last week."  So even though I was sad, it was obviously mitigated by the fact that I still had presents from her! 

I don't recall that my paternal grandparents played a big part in my life when I was a teenager.  Not that they didn't ... I just didn't pay a lot of attention to them!  They lived 20 miles away from us and I didn't see them very often.  And when I did, I didn't think I had much in common with them.

Periodically, they would come to our house in New Hope for dinner .. Grandma always drove, with "Baba" sitting in the passenger seat.  I only remember them having one car in all the years I knew them.  It was a peach colored Plymouth, 4-door sedan with a manual transmission.

I never asked why Grandma was always the driver.  However, as I reflect back on their relationship, I realize she had the big, front bedroom in their house in south Minneapolis, while Baba was relegated to the little back bedroom.  She worked outside the home (gasp! - mothers didn't work outside the home back in those days, much less grandmothers!)  She was the focus of their house whenever we went to visit ... Baba would sit in his chair bouncing one of the grandkids on his knee, and she would scurry around getting dinner, doing dishes, emptying the garbage, etc.  So, I guess the fact that she drove the car also makes sense in hindsight.

I don't remember much about Grandma; just little things like the red glass candy dish with pink peppermint hard candy that sat on the dining room buffet; the multitude of books in the living room bookcases (she worked in the book department at Dayton's); the painting of her as a girl hanging in the front room; and a trip with her to the downtown Dayton's store where she showed me how to buy nylons (3 pair to a box, carefully lined with tissue paper between each pair so they wouldn't snag on each other).

Baba?  I remember his tobacco humidor always smelling so wonderfully of his pipe tobacco; he worked in the sweater department at Rothchild's in downtown Minneapolis and ate jelly on his fried eggs ... I do, too!  Learned it from him.

I have a special place in my heart for my grandparents, and that's what I'm trying to develop with my grandchildren ... all 8 of them.  I've taken them on individual golf outings, have attended their school and sporting events, sent them "God" money every now and then, baked with them, played card games with them, had them for sleepovers at my house, spent hours shopping for presents for them on birthdays and holidays, and tried to maintain that intergenerational communication that I think grandparents and grandchildren should develop.

Part of this communication attempt was creating my own Facebook account!  I was quite excited when I friended my oldest granddaughter, the only one old enough to have an account at that time.  To be fair to her, she is still my "friend," although she did "unfriend" me at one point and her mother MADE her take me back as a friend (talk about humiliation ... remember the kid in the neighborhood your mom MADE you be friends with?)

It wasn't long before most of the other grandchildren had created FB accounts (see, I've even learned the lingo!) and I was excited to "friend" and be friended by them.  Shortly after friending them, THEIR friends started sending me "friend" invites.  I ignored those requests, preferring to focus my attention on my own grandchildren. Call me a cynic, but it could be that most of those little darlings were really just trying to add to their already astronomical numbers of Facebook "friends." I mean, really, I am more than 50 years older than they are and I can't claim over 1,000 people as "friends." 

Apparently, I am a bit "social media" challenged.  I actually "comment" on postings people put on Facebook.  I also talk to strangers in elevators, on airplanes and at the grocery store.  I just think that "conversation" is communication.  I believe that responding to comments on Facebook is the polite thing to do.  Why would they have that "comment" box there if they didn't want me to use it.

So if a posting went up that one of the teachers was absolutely not in a good mood that day, I would respond with "Oh, that's too bad, Honey. Hope it didn't ruin your day. You're such a wonderful girl. I'm sure the teacher wasn't mean to you!"

I thought that was pretty affirming, and showed my granddaughters that I was reading their posts, relating to their pain, and commiserating with them, all the while supporting the wonder of their existence in my world, and everyone else's.  What a great tool this Facebook thing was! Bonding with my grandchildren through modern technology.

I did start noticing that their posts were getting fewer and fewer.  Well, every fad runs its course and then it's done, I thought.  They've probably moved on to Twitter or My Space (I continue to marvel at my own grasp of these newer generational interests!)  When they would post, I would comment, pat myself on the back and read on.

The fact that they never responded to anything I posted was okay.  It takes a while to grow into your own personality and your own confidence in saying things for the world to see.  I didn't mind. I knew they were reading mine and being grateful that I was so responsive.  Periodically, my husband, who also had friended and been friended by the grandkids, would chuckle over one of their postings .. or, he would ask me to "explain" one of the postings to him.  I, of course, knew in my superior way that he was "trying" really hard, but he just didn't get it like I did!

So, imagine my surprise when my husband mentioned a posting by one of the granddaughters about a movie she had recently seen.  Thinking that I had just not read all of the postings I had to admit I hadn't seen anything.  He showed me the posting .. I quickly scrolled through my FB page, only to discover that I didn't have the posting .. and, in fact, I hadn't seen a posting from this particular granddaughter in quite some time.

A visit to her "wall" showed just bare bones items ... there was nothing there for me to see.  The dreaded "unfriending" (or, possibly less damaging, a "blocking") had happened to me. I later learned that she had also unfriended her own parents and a few other adults in her life, so I was not alone 

My error?  Commenting on posts!  Since Grandpa didn't comment, he wasn't unfriended! When you don't comment, they forget you're there!  And I thought I was the one who knew how to interact with the grandkids!

Imagine my surprise when I got a call from one of my other daughters a few weeks later advising me that HER daughter (also 13) had created a whole separate Facebook page where she could post items that her Grandma WOULDN'T see and COULDN'T comment on. When her Mom asked her why she didn't want me to see the postings, the reply was:  "Grandma always comments on things."  Apparently, her friends were curious as to who this "commenter" was ... especially since my posts tend to be a bit wordy ... quite a surprise I know!

I have to admit that my grandsons, who usually post about sports or XBox or PS3 games with names like "Call of Duty" or "Mortal Kombat," don't draw the comments from me that the girls do.  And, as a result, I still get to see their postings, so maybe there is something to this "lurking in the shadows" method of being on Facebook.

I really think I'm mature enough to deal with all of this without it really affecting my self-esteem.  After all, the kids will grow up and become mature adults who enjoy interacting with a grandmother who is so "with" the latest technology.

I've moved on.  I'm okay.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit that my son-in-law (who is in that "mature adult" classification I just talked about) recently responded to a request I sent him to to engage in a "Word with Friends" game with me.

He declined. 

I'm off to deactivate my Facebook account.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Just One of Those Days

Friday is my "Library Day."  I've been on vacation for 2 weeks so haven't been here in a while.  I'm eager to arrive and "help" the folks who value and need my somewhat limited computer skills

I've got time to stop at the Mac & D's drive-through window to grab lunch so that I don't die of hunger during my shift.  Even though, there isn't much chance of my wasting away to nothing if I miss a meal, I continue to believe it may happen - allows me to eat those great skinny fries and other Mac & D grease-laden delicacies without a lot of guilt.

When I reach the "speaker," planning to order a chicken wrap and a coke, silently applauding myself for resisting the urge to order those fabulous skinny fries, I'm greeted by a hurried (and harried) "Voice" advising that Mac & D's credit card machine is not working and they are accepting cash only.  Not a problem for me, although I do notice several cars behind me pulling out of line after getting up to the speaker.  We do live in a plastic world.

After placing my order, I pull forward to "pay at the first window," as directed,  and am greeted by two women who look as if they'd rather be anywhere than where they are.  One asks me what I ordered.  When I tell her, she asks me if I happened to notice on the screen what my total cost was.  Realizing that more than their credit card machine is down, I am tempted to say, "Hmm ... twenty cents," but that darn Catholic guilt kicks in (I just KNOW God is watching and recording any of these temptations to which I might fall).  I tell her I didn't really pay a lot of attention, but I "think" it was about $3.88 - in actuality, I'm pretty darn sure that's what it was .. the "think" is my way of messing with God a little bit to see if He (She?) is keeping track of "almost sins." The two women confer and agree that sounds about right. What WOULD they have done if I had said "Twenty Cents?"   I'm given change for my $5.00 bill and sent on to the pick-up window.

You guessed it ... Mac & D's WHOLE computer system is down.  So at window #2, they have no idea what I ordered.  The young man apologetically asks me what I ordered, and then directs me to a waiting area where my food will be delivered. I'm starting to wonder if I should leave a tip for all of their trouble.

A few minutes later, I arrive at the library and notice a sign posted on the door:   "Restrooms out of order."  This normally isn't a problem, but, of course, now that I know there isn't one, and I have just finished my Coke, I have to go!  More importantly, the restrooms at the library are a big attraction to folks .. and this is spring break, so there will be a lot of moms and kids today.  I visualize a lot of little kids running around crying "I have to pee .. poo-poo ... tinkle, etc."  Should be interesting.

I ask the librarian what the alternate restroom arrangements might be ... the gas station across the street possibly?  You guessed it -  the gas station doesn't have water either.  Seems there's a leak in the street water main, and the city is hoping to have it fixed by 2 p.m.  Note of interest:  It is 2:38 p.m. as I am writing this and we still have no water; ergo, no restrooms!

I settle into my assigned area in the library and peruse the clients using the computers.  Everyone seems to be doing fine.  I ready myself for an easy day, despite the few quirky events this afternoon has served up so far.  

Soon, an elderly patron working on a computer beckons me over saying "I need some help."

I hurry over to him, ready to serve, trying to anticipate his needs.  Is he going to need help with Microsoft Word?  Searching the Library catalogue?  Printing to our master printer/copier device?  I'm filled with answers.
"What can you tell me about the restrooms? I need to pee."

And I thought it was going to be the little kids we'd be dealing with!
It's going to be one of those days!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

14 days ... 4,000 miles ... $3,000 (give or take a dollar or two) ... and we're back home from our first postretirement winter getaway!  We had a great time but, were happy to get back to Minnesota ... just in time for our FIRST winter storm, which left about 6 inches of the heaviest, wettest snow we've seen in years.  Real heart attack snow .. thankfully, outside of my getting stuck in it a block from home, everyone survived.

Our trip was delightful.  We didn't kill each other ...  the car didn't break down and was very comfortable ... I finished a good book and crocheted a poncho for a granddaughter ... Ed's health was good ... we ate a lot .. drank a lot ... and laughed and visited with good friends.

Lessons learned from our vacation:

     Never pay a $50 upcharge for an "ocean front" room at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi, unless you know you will arrive before dark and it won't be foggy in the morning when you look out the window at the ocean (boy, did they see US coming!)

    Don't expect really warm weather in northern Florida in February ... it's cool and damp there, even though it's filled with friends from home and we had a great time visiting with them (and shopping on the rainy day)

     Never say you're too old to try something new ... like sleeping in a Murphy Bed while visiting a friend for 5 days in Sarasota, Florida.  They are comfortable as well as practical!

     Don't take it personally if the waiter who took your order at a well-respected and popular Florida restaurant walks off the job before he delivers your food.  Seems cigarette breaks are extremely important to some people ... however, it would be nice if the replacement wait person would have known that Ed ordered a deviled crab cake sandwich and not a "Gator burger." We did see a "gator" in the pond outside the restaurant window as we waited for our food to be delivered ... hope that Gator burger was shipped in and not freshly caught!

     Expect the unexpected ... like a golf score of under 100 for 18 holes .. only the second time in my life I've done that.  And it was in Leesburg, Florida, where we spent several lovely days with friends enjoying their hospitality including a trip to the flea market!  Ed actually bought something, despite complaining that this was not his "cup of tea."

     Just because a restaurant is called a "fish camp," don't be surprised to find hundreds of stuffed exotic animals gracing the ceiling, walls and various platforms placed throughout the establishment.  There was a lot of fish on the menu, and one room was heavily decorated with painted wall plates (as in dishes) with fish on them, but the rest of the place was filled with lions and tigers and bears .. oh my!  Along with snakes, giraffes, bison, deer, antelope, monkeys, etc., etc. I do have to say it was a bit unnerving staring up at the undersides of a number of male animals (all anatomically correct!) while you ate ... makes Red Lobster seem very tame by comparison.

      Always have a flashlight with you when you travel ... even if it's just an app on your smartphone!  It came in handy when we had dinner at The Olde Pink House in Savannah, GA, and the bar/eating area we were in was so dark I needed to turn on my cell phone flashlight to read the menu.  I was a little embarrassed and was trying to do a quick "read and run" when I noticed the young woman sitting next to me doing the same thing ... ahh, technology!  The dinner was delicious and the ambience wonderfully romantic ... and I continue to believe it was Ed who put his hand on my thigh during dinner and not the guy at the table next to me!

      Mistletoe is a parasite that attaches itself to a host tree and grows wild in the south.  Very interesting to see and once it was pointed out to us, we spent a lot of time identifying it as we drove the southern roads. Additional lesson learned:  the driver should not be the person scanning the treelines looking for this growth .. especially when driving 70 mph on the Interstate in Florida!

      Never assume that you've heard it all until you overhear a trucker in a truckstop in Mississippi talking on his cell phone to his "beautiful baby boy!"   For the entire restaurant to hear, he acknowledged that he was happy his son was heading home for a visit and that Baby Boy would probably arrive before Daddy did, based on their geographical coordinates at that moment.  So, Daddy advised Baby Boy ... "you'd best call ahead to your momma and let her know you're comin'.  Otherwise, she's liable to get out her gun and shoot you since it's been so dang long since you've been home."  

We loved our vacation and we are so glad to be home.  And, yes, I did call ahead and let my Momma know we were comin'!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On The Road Again

I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. My excuse? I returned to work part-time on Jan 3. So noooooo time to blog.

I'm on temporary hiatus from work as we spend 2 weeks on the road to and from Florida doing what retirees do. Which, as far as I can tell, is not much more than eat, drink and spend money. And what, I ask you, is wrong with that picture? Not a thing.


5:15 a.m. Left home. I had slept NOT ONE wink all night and that is no lie. I've always been like a little kid when it comes to anticipating something fun in my life. Sleep is secondary to the anticipation. Apparently, Florida qualifies.

So, Monday night, in bed at 10.

At 11, wide awake and my mind repeating over and over the words of the Rosary, with no real meaning attached to them. At that point, I got up and went downstairs to play cards on the computer until midnight. If you can't pray, play.

Back upstairs to bed at midnight.

In our dining room on the main level, we have a Westminster Schoolhouse clock. Chimes every 15 minutes. It's downstairs. Our bedroom is upstairs. I'm partially deaf in both ears. Didn't matter. I heard the chimes every 15 minutes. At 1:00 a.m.,I was praying to every dead person I knew to help me fall asleep. By 2:45 a.m.,I was praying to the same people to keep me awake. After all, we were planning to leave shortly after 5 a.m., so falling asleep at 3 wasn't a good idea. My second set of prayers was answered. At 3:15 a.m.,I got up.

Background: Ed had prostate cancer surgery 11 months ago. It left him with an overactive bladder. Or so he says. We were on the road for 4 hours this morning when I finally asked him if we could stop so I could go to the bathroom. He agreed,p since he was hungry ... apparently, his bladder was just fine.

What we discovered was that there aren't many restaurants or rest stops on the road in Iowa (friends had advised us to go via Chicago if we wanted to eat ... but did we believe them? No, no, buckaroo!)

Ed finally pulled into a "Go America" on the Iowa turnpike. I didn't really want or need ALL of America to GO with me, but at that point I didn't care. We were hoping for food as well, but, apart from some overfried chicken under a warming light (and heavily advertised free oatmeal on Tuesdays), there wasn't much to choose from. We left ... sure there would be a Perkins right down the road. Wrong.

200 miles down the road, we finally found a little family restaurant that served a great breakfast. Best "extra crispy" bacon I've ever had. Apart from the guy with the mullet who came walking through, we were pretty sure we had died and gone to Heaven!

Tonight, we are in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, at a comfy Hampton Inn. Right next door is an Outback restaurant where we had a delightful filet mignon and shrimp dinner to celebrate Valentime's Day. Ed is asleep in the bed next to me and I am celebrating the most romantic night of the year by writing to all of you. 46 years of marriage will do that to you.

Tomorrow, we head to Biloxi, Mississippi, and a night at the Beau Rivage casino. More to follow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reflections on the Times

In December, I had the pleasure of attending "White Christmas The Musical" produced at the Lyric Arts Main Street Stage in Anoka, Minnesota.  This is a stage rendition of a movie that was popular in the 1950's.  Those of you of a "certain age," know the one I mean .. Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney; a train trip to Vermont; folks get snowed in, but  that doesn't stop he troops from showing up to honor the general they served under during the war.  Irving Berlin wrote the music, which included the eponymous "White Christmas" (always my Dad's Christmas favorite), "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep," and one of my favorites, "I Love a Piano."  

I was enchanted with the Directors' Notes written in the program.  Rebecca Rizzio directed the play and wrote the notes. She is a very talented young woman, so I was surprised to find her notes providing a very adept summary of the highlights of the last 50 years, in context with counting our blessings.  I love sharing good writing with you, so I requested and received permission from Rebecca and Lyric Arts to reproduce them here in their entirety.  Her words, which seemed to reflect the experiences of my lifetime in just a few short paragraphs, grabbed my soul.

I hope they resonate with you as they did with me.  By the way, if you live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and you haven't caught a production at the Lyric Arts Theater, you might want to check out their upcoming productions (plays AND live music concerts) listed on their website.

Also, in today's edition of the Minneapolis Tribune is a great article on the theater and its venturing into the live music venue.  As one patron commented, "Thank you so much for giving us a place (in the northern suburbs) to see live music." 

And, now, Rebecca Rizio's thoughts on counting our blessings.

"As we find ourselves in the uncertainty of 2011, it is perhaps easy to forget that we live in never-ending uncertainty. The Great Depression.  The unrest of the 1960's.  The Cold War. Vietnam.  And, World War II, during which Irving Berlin wrote the immediately-identifiable song, 'White Christmas.'
 "It has been nearly 60 years since America first heard that song. Since then, we have watched Elvis and the Beatles perform on the Ed Sullivan Show.  We have witnessed the assassination of one president and the resignation of another.  We celebrated the birth of Little Ricky and mourned the passing of Lucy.  We have built homes with Habitat for Humanity and have seen them tragically destroyed by Hurricanes Andrew and Katrina.  We watched Michael J. Fox go from high school Republican, to time traveler, to advocate.  We experienced a miracle on ice and a disaster on Wall Street  We became Tweeters; we became green.  We spent our mornings with Katie and Matt and our late nights with Johnny and Uncle Miltie.  We have sent forth our troops and welcomed them back home.  We have been rocked by disease and inspired by those who fight it.  We watched as Neil Armstrong took his first step and as Christa McAuliffe took her last breath.  We saw terror rise; we saw towers fall. 
"Throughout it all, we live our lives - searching for our purpose, our place. Never knowing truly when or if we find it.  Never completely understanding our impact.  Mostly oblivious to our blessings but sometimes very aware of them.  Tonight, Irving Berlin asks us to count them.  Little is certain.  But the one thing that is certain is this moment, this blessing.  So, take it.  And, may it be merry and bright ...."
Thank you, Rebecca.  Your words are a blessing.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Support Your Local Library

I volunteer at my local library one afternoon a week.  I am the "computer person." I assist people who might need help on the computers that are available for free use at our library. When I'm not helping people, I shelve returned books and DVDs, find "requested" books for patrons, and fill my own arms with books and movies to take home and enjoy. When I was young, I "played" librarian. The local library, with its wooden floors, quiet spaces, and wonderful smells (books smell better than bacon in my world!), was a place in which I spent a lot of time.  Back then, I just assumed that libraries would be a part of my life forever!  But now I'm beginning to wonder.

Libraries are in trouble.  Kids and adults alike are home playing video games, or reading books on electronic devices.  They even are buying music off the internet. Do they realize their library has hundreds of CDs that are available for the downloading  FREE!  Reading as a pastime seems to be waning.  And the library as a destination is quickly becoming almost as archaic as people subscribing to a daily newspaper (a topic for another day!).  

The books, magazines, newspapers, movies, CDs, computers with internet access, and other items of interest available at your local library are still there .. but people seem to be too busy to come and check it all out.  Most of these services and products are FREE, but even that doesn't seem to provide enough incentive.  

Many Fridays it is quiet here in our little branch.  People come and go and use the computers ... filling out job applications, checking their Facebook page, playing video games, etc.  At the end of December, lots of young parents brought their kids in to get books and movies ... you could tell it was almost time for that Christmas vacation to end!  But there aren't droves of people.  Recently, there was a cut in the hours and days the library is open.  It's now open only one night a week. When my kids were young, it was open almost every night except Saturday and Sundays.  Money is short in local government budgets and libraries seem to be an easy target.

It makes me sad to think that there is a future out there in which libraries might not be around.  We will all be locked into spending money to buy anything we want to read.  There will be nowhere to go for free research for that school term paper, nowhere to find a free copy of Consumer Reports and check out the pros and cons of new refrigerators, nowhere for kids to page through oversized picture books or listen to the "library lady" read to them from the latest Harry Potter during Storybook Hour, nowhere for Dad to go to read the latest issue of Sports Illustrated without having to subscribe to it, nowhere for Mom to go to check out the latest issue of House Beautiful and dream of remodeling her kitchen someday, and definitely nowhere to go that smells better than bacon.

Today I noticed a sign on the library wall.  I think it says it all:
Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.
When was the last time you visited YOUR local library?  We're here, waiting for you.