Monday, May 7, 2012

Getting a Round Tuit

Many years ago, I read a cute little story called "A Round Tuit" by Ralph Taylor.  It is published here in its entirety for your enjoyment ... and as a lead-in to the real purpose for today's posting.

                                                         At long last  we  have a
                                                     sufficient  supply  of  these   in-
                                                valuable  items for  you  to  have
                                              one   of   your   very   own.  Guard it
                                            with   your   life.     These  tuits   have
                                          been   hard   to   come by,  especially the
                                         round   ones.    This   is   an   indispensable
                                        item.     It     will    help  you  to   become a
                                        more    efficient   worker.          How   many
                                        times   have   you   had   to   say,   “I’ll  do
                                           it   as    soon   as   I   get   a   round   tuit”?
                                            Now   that   you   have   a   round   tuit
                                              of   your   very   own,  many    things
                                                  needing   to   be   done  will   get
                                                             done properly>

How does this pertain to my blog today?  

On Saturday, May 12, my family and I will be walking in our 14th annual March of Dimes Walk to raise money towards the March of Dimes' work in preventing premature births.  In the last 14 years, we have raised almost $30,000!   Pretty darn good, huh?  Our goal this year is a more modest $1800.  Since I retired a year ago, I don't have quite the contacts I used to have, although many of my former colleagues have already pledged and are supporting us, even though I'm not there with them daily.

My oldest grandson, Daniel, was born 3 1/2 months premature almost 17 years ago.  He is confined to a wheelchair and is unable to do anything for himself ... totally dependent on the world for everything except for one thing ...his great smile.  That belongs only to him and needs no help to burst forth!  And without that smile, my life would be so much less.

But how much more wonderful the world would be, I think, if I could hear the voice that must be inside of Danny ... if I could see his legs carry him across a football field .. if I could see him posing for prom pictures in his first tuxedo ... if I could lie in bed and worry about him passing his driver's license test ... and then lie in bed and worry about him driving!  If I could ease the pain in the heart of other mothers' daughters who cry themselves to sleep at night because their child will never have these experiences.  Those opportunities will never come my way or Danny's way.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't trade in that million dollar smile for anything in the world.  But I would give a million dollars, if I had it, so that no other baby is ever again born prematurely.

And so, we walk cuz Daniel can't!  And we walk so that other children won't ever know the frustrations that I would imagine Danny feels inside.

You can help.  If you get a "Round Tuit" before Saturday, we'd love to have your support in the form of a monetary pledge ... or prayers for good weather!  The prayers for good weather don't require a credit card number ... the monetary pledge does!  Either way, we will know you are in our corner.

Here's the site ... head off to and make your pledge today.  That Round Tuit in your pocket will help you get there ... Danny and I and the other premature babies being born in today's world all thank you in advance.                                                             

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